Public Health and the Eurovision Song Contest 2023
The Eurovision Song Contest 2023 was a momentous occasion held in Liverpool. Marking its 67th edition, held at The M&S Bank Arena. Liverpool’s triumphed in a bid to host the event filling the city with pride.
Under the theme “United by Music,” there was a palpable sense of unity and connection. Music became the language of harmony and togetherness. Liverpool poured everything the city has to offer into organizing EuroFestival. Offering a rich tapestry of cultural programming and fostering meaningful partnerships.
EuroFestival drew in around 300,000 visitors, including nearly 31,000 international guests. It ignited feelings of warmth and camaraderie among attendees. The event seamlessly blended place-based and broadcast activities. With cultural relations at its very core and touching the hearts of all involved.
The decision to represent two countries as hosts, was born from challenging circumstances. It was a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit. Inspiring further work in cultural exchange across the city.
In October 2023, The ‘Liverpool Calling – And the Results Are In’ event, looked back on the city’s Eurovision journey and what we were able to achieve. Liverpool was praised for our collective ambition, cultural credentials, passion and leadership. The city was recognised as one of the world’s most wonderful, inclusive, and crazy cities by Phil Harold of the BBC. The event was an opportunity to discuss how Eurovision was evaluated and what we have learned and achieved so far.
Within this report, we hope to showcase these qualities, highlighting the significant role of Public Health and our work with Culture and communities.
Themes highlighted from the community and wellbeing evaluation

United by Eurovision

Power of music

Generating emotions



Memories and Learning

Celebrating Liverpool
The Impact of Public Health on Eurovision 2023
The role of public health in Eurovision 2023 went beyond the event itself. Public Health played a central role in informing planning and operating functions. Public Health led the Evaluation Steering Group. The group informed “Legacy” and “Impact and Assessment” workstreams.
Public Health aimed to build in-depth evaluation to understand the events impact. We recognise the significance of large-scale events like Eurovision. Liverpool prioritised evaluating its effects on the local economy and community well-being. Learning from the Events Research Programme (ERP) following the Covid-19 pandemic was crucial. Also, The Civic Data cooperative was key. With public health leading, the city conducted robust evaluations at pace.
The evaluation plan focused on themes such as economic impact, well-being, and cultural diplomacy. The impact on nightlife and social value was added later. This reflects the holistic approach to assessment.
Structures were put in place throughout the planning and implementation. Ensuring that information and learning undertaken had an impact in the right space. The energy of the city filtrated every aspect of governance. It enhanced the art of the possible. It built fantastic working relationships. The legacy will be remembered for a lifetime.
Working together was vital. Partners from different sectors brought expertise and resources. Funding came from many sources including government departments, research councils, and academic institutions. Our Academic partners played an important role. They conducted research and analysis, developing in-depth and reliable evaluation.
The joint effort of stakeholders was supported by key delivery partners. Delivering comprehensive body of work. We were able to assess the immediate impacts of Eurovision. This has already provided insights for future events. This inclusive and collaborative approach informs a model for future evaluations.
Public Health worked to engage event goers in conversations and interventions. These included:
- Promoting positive mental health,
- Promoting good sexual health
- raising awareness of cardiovascular disease, to name but a few.
There was a rise in community engagement. Resident well-being improved, including among minority groups. The city is committed to positive outcomes and inclusivity. Programs like EuroGrant, EuroStreet, and EuroLearn are examples of this.

Professor Matt Ashton, Director of Public Health speaking at Liverpool Calling Conference
Eurovision’s impact in numbers
Public health’s contribution to learning and health promotion in numbers
Read a study evidencing the economic, cultural and wellbeing impact of the Eurovision event.
of those questioned, felt it was a safe event
of visitors asked, praised its inclusivity
of overseas visitors
said the event had a positive impact on how they viewed the UK.
35,000 +
Condom packs distributed
of visitors asked would recommend
Liverpool as a destination to visit
of residents said how important it was for Liverpool
of Official Eurovision Fan Club members felt welcomed in the city
of visitors asked loved the undeniable festival atmosphere
of residents were enthusiastic about hosting on behalf of Ukraine
of residents said they were pleased with how the city delivered the event
Public Health engaged with
8,000+ visitors
Evidence based increase in
resident wellbeing
of visitors asked felt that the city’s leading role promoted positive feelings
across all of the participating nations
The impact of Eurovision on health and wellbeing across the city region
Teachers working with artists to design pysanka eggs said they hoped to help pupils develop “lifelong memories”. They wanted to make sure pupils who might not make it into the city centre could still engage with Eurovision and have positive experiences and memories of it. They also talked about the novelty of the situation – one child who won a medal for his pysanka egg design and who attended a EuroLearn event at Leasowe Millennium centre was reported to have said: “I’ve just won Eurovision!” He described it as the best day of his life.

Liverpool buses with vehicle wrap advertising Eurovision Liverpool 2023
“It was a real pulling together and a real opportunity for us as scousers to go ‘welcome’, this is us’. And the sun shone, and we were looked down on and it was just an incredible… as always, we kicked it into touch and did what we do best which is host and celebrate our city”
“Every single human being has the desire to belong and I thought this event was absolutely that. Everyone could belong to it, no matter who you were, where you were from, what you were doing or what role you were in, didn’t matter, you just belonged to it.”

‘Soloveiko Songbirds’ by Svitlana Reinish and Amigo&Amigo
Although the EuroVillage was free to enter for 8 out of the 9 days it operated, perceived economic boundaries, not everyone was able to access the EuroVillage or other central Liverpool-centric events. The importance of EuroStreet to bring Eurovision events into smaller community spaces was recognised by three of the focus groups (Volunteers, Pysanka Egg Painting, and Squash Nutrition). These events were seen as vital for sharing the wealth of experiences with and involving communities outside the city centre, and facilitated confidence building in those who needed it:
“If the time that people spent here meant they had to the courage to go into town and be part of something that is their cultural right to be part of then that’s an amazing step in the right direction.”
EuroGrant brought a wave of excitement to schools across the city region, offering them a chance to unlock countless opportunities. With grants of up to £2,000, schools were able to plan Eurovision-themed events, igniting a spark of joy and enthusiasm among students and teachers alike. These events were more than just celebrations of Eurovision; they were tributes to the rich cultural tapestry of Ukraine and Europe. They allowed children to explore how culture is woven into the fabric of Liverpool’s heritage. Through the EuroLearn program, a sense of camaraderie and creativity flourished. Students dove headfirst into immersive learning experiences that left a lasting impression. Thanks to EuroGrant, schools embraced the power of collaboration and discovery. This has created memories that will be cherished for years to come.
For more information on these focus groups visit:

Children’s performance at the opening of the Liverpool Ukrainian Community Centre
Heart health in focus: cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention
We know that High blood pressure can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. An estimated 31,000 Liverpool residents have high blood pressure. Eurovision provided a platform where people are more willing to engage in conversations. It was an opportunity Public Health couldn’t miss to share information about one of the cities biggest health risks.
CVD prevention at the Eurovision Festival
The Happy Hearts CVD Prevention Campaign, throughout Eurovision, supported:
- CHaMPs Public Health produced a bespoke “Sam Ryder” Happy Hearts animation for the Eurovision festival, with an estimated 280,000 impressions, and engaged 91,000 individuals.
- Liverpool Public Health worked with Liverpool University Hospitals and The Pumping Marvellous Foundation. To raise awareness of cardiovascular diseases and offer access to mini health checks. This included blood pressure and pulse checks, and testing for heart failure.
The team identified and offered advice to:
- 27 people with high blood pressure
- 3 people with an abnormal heart rhythm (atrial fibrillation)
- 10 people with a positive test result that indicated heart failure

The Pumping Marvellous Foundation branded BEATie Van promoting awareness of heart failure

24 Community and Workplace Champions received training to deliver blood pressure and pulse checks during Know Your Numbers
Know Your Numbers 2023
Liverpool supported the national Know Your Numbers campaign in September. To raise awareness of the risk of high blood pressure and increase access to blood pressure checks in Liverpool. The public health team worked with 217 different organisations. To ensure the campaign successfully engaged adults aged over 40 that experience barriers to healthcare.
1 in 4 people have high blood pressure 9 above 140/90 mmol/m.
30,256 blood pressure checks were delivered by NHS during the Know Your Numbers campaign.
5,150 (17.0%) people living in the 20% most deprived areas received an NHS Blood Pressure check.
8,593 (28.4%) of these people were from a non-White ethnic background.
570 blood pressure checks were delivered by Know Your Numbers workplace and community champions.
A safe space for sexual and reproductive health
We know people are more likely to be receptive to information when they are happy and relaxed. People are more likely to engage with interventions while taking part in a bigger event. During Eurovision, we took a proactive approach to increasing access to screening, contraception and advice about their sexual and reproductive health. We empowered people to make informed decisions.
condoms supplied to other bars and venues
Engaged with
condom packs and links to texting in Eurovision fan village
Condoms supplied to 10 hotels and 15 bars
Staffed stall at Pride House (RIBA North) throughout Eurovision
Provided signposting and brief intervention
Additional clinics provided
Throughout the event, hotels displayed posters with QR codes. Guests could use the QR codes to order condoms and self-testing kits for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)/HIV. The success of this has led to the continued use of QR codes to encourage uptake.
We continue to use technology to reach more people. This develops an inclusive and supportive culture in sexual health services. They address the specific needs of diverse communities and aim to reduce stigma. These initiatives also promote safe practices improving the wellbeing of Liverpool residents.

Stall with pull-up posters for organisations supporting sexual health
Sexual health at Eurovision partner logos

Passionate about Sexual Health in Liverpool